Quality Concepts For Testers
Quality Concepts For Testers Abstract: I’ve put some resources together on techniques, tools and most importantly; new ways of thinking, that I believe would be →

Testers Tell A Compelling Story
Testers Tell A Compelling Story Abstract: If you’ve spent any time in the context-driven testing community, then you have probably heard the following directive: As →

The Improvement Continuum
The Improvement Continuum Abstract: The Improvement Continuum is a dual-pronged concept, containing both product and personal components, like two heads on the same animal. One head →

Time Trial Testing Episode 1: SFDIPOT Model
Introduction: Recently, Brian Kurtz and I thought it’d be fun to take a look at a process, tool or model within the testing industry at least →

CAST 2015: Distilled
Brian Kurtz and I recently traveled to Grand Rapids, Michigan to attend CAST 2015, a testing conference put on by AST and other members of the Context-Driven →

Time Trial Testing Episode 2: Risk Heuristics
In this episode of Time Trial Testing, Brian Kurtz and I time-boxed ourselves to a 45-minute session to perform risk assessment of the X-Mind product. We used →

A Sprint Framework For Testers
UPDATE 2020-04-02: Added the link to the HASM model that give ideas on how to creation automation strategies (You will need X-Mind software to open →

Episode VII: The Tester Awakens
Abstract: A brief blog post on being an intentionally awake tester. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, so be a critical thinker and avid learner →

Don’t Lie On Your Resume, Ever.
Abstract: Don’t lie on your resume. Ever. If we don’t immediately shine light on damaging advice, then we secede our integrity to the misinformed. A question was →

Career Paths For Testers
Abstract: At the company for which I work, testers have two main pathways they can pursue: non-technical and technical. The information presented in this post is written →

A Personal Metric for Self-Improvement
Article revisions: Learning is continuous, thus my understanding of testing and related knowledge is continually augmented. Below is the revision history of this article, along with →

A Documentation Story
Abstract: This is a story about an experience that Brian Kurtz and I had in shifting test documentation strategies from and all-manual unintentional approach to →

My Testing Journey
Abstract: This is a personal experience story about where I started as a tester and how I have grown through my experiences and interaction with →

Testing Manifesto
Abstract: The Testing Manifesto is an encapsulation of a what some of us, context-driven testers, believe the role of “Tester” to be. The skill-craft of testing can be too →

A Tester’s Guide To The Galaxy
Abstract: I’ve created a reference card pack that you can use to do better testing, by fostering a team-driven approach to collaborative holistic exposure of high-value →
Download as PDF Connor O. Roberts 214.340.5244 · [email protected] · linkedin.com/in/connorroberts QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT Hands-on, results oriented Quality Assurance professional with extensive experience planning, testing, →

What is Testing?
Abstract: A brief post, the tip of the iceberg on exploring the question ‘What is testing?’. If this intrigues you, then comment or contact me →

Testing Terminology
Abstract:Another brief post, reacting to a culmination of bad posts I have seen lately in the testing community surrounding the testing terminology we use to →

Hiring Good Testers
Abstract: I frequently get asked how I interview testers, be it anyone from exploratory to automation and anywhere within that spectrum (i.e. including “Toolsmiths”, see →

COVID19 Real Talk
Abstract: This post has nothing to do with testing, so that makes it a first on this blog, but it is time for some Covid19 →

Practical Approach to Delivery Enablement
Abstract: The job of the influencer or coach/mentor in a software team, regardless of title (Manager, Director, Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Tech Lead, etc) isn’t →